lol the graves is an awesome idea very original only saw it once.. n that was this week... nice post... this seems fun i wish there where action...
where exactly will u post this lol i didnt catch that.... willl u PM or should i visit it like daily to see if u have posted it...???? i am...
those r two different maps and this does not have a discription and is considered spam... next time consider ur post... n good luck as u get over...
sorry i just copy pasted... ya wall of stupid easier to figure out...
LAWLZ i no but its soo much cooler nice job... n um ya i just read it w/ normal letters then tried to recreate it w/ no numbers lol.... haha nice...
[IMG] i did not make found on the link above lol but i laughed so i thought u might lol
LOL nice try... must say this its epic win... needs MOAR INTERLOCKING... lol jk this is terrrrrible what were u thinking... welll next time b4 u...
there is a guide somewhere called like someones guide to geting rid of rainbow colored boxes search it.... i can help more if u need it... infact...
This is really really good... nice job interlocking is nice and smooth.. layout is amazing... i like it nice job i am downloading... 5/5 wow u r...
make mine amazing lol tho i no u will its first one has to be epic win plus awesome render
Avatar/Sig/etc.: Sig *Render/Stock: Planet Renders // Renders - Video/Console Game Renders/Mario Super Sluggers - Bowser JR Dimensions: you tell...
How to embed ur pics... first take them in theater simple really i recommened not in forge when u take the pics get them from a custom game... but...
look wat happened to me n blaski45's match lol group6.... he nvr mad a verdict... it Counterphobia (US) vs. ShutterStep (them) he locked it nvr...
i noticed u locked w/o sayin "Counterphobia" or "Stutterstep" WIN i no there is confusion but his teamate hasn't even been on halo sept fri...
he nvr made a dicision on our thread he just locked it unlike on everyone elses
u should merge those togetehr b4 u get ur self into REAL trouble... n um nice idea... but i would merge those quick...
style is epic win sauce n u dont want to seem like the most HALO addicted member u no lol dont point finger at me he has a sig of master cheif...
this looks pretty good... but really SLOPY... nice structures n all nice job geo merging... but clean it up use more guides and such... fence...
thats creative its like duck hunt w/ a trap control board.... nice jod i recomand using wire switches too... google search them or h3artifciers or...