that looks really nice... i like how smooth it is... i would recommand more pic... def. or a layout... b/c i have no clue what the rest of the map...
U changed u name??? lol how that happen... n what happen to the map n did i see it that ppl are talking about VVVV there??? this is EGS right lol...
thanks again... ya we tested this about 100 matches lol n got WHEN R U GOING TO POST IT??? alot... n ppl kept asking if they could test the map...
why thank u tho took a little bit a time a lot of tweeking and editing n they still aren't perfect but we moved on to bigger issues... but thx...
hey Chips um i was told to tell u about this... HERE its a glitch in the system i found... oh and i donno if ur spossed to deal with it or move it...
hey Biggles um i was told to tell u about this... HERE its a glitch in the system i found... oh and i donno if ur spossed to deal with it or move...
This vid. only shows up with the new layout... not OLd School some1 EXPLAIN this too me....
okay i like how the layout is vertical and all.. but there needs to be WAY MORE interlocking in this... um im not for sure i like how u put ghost...
that is very nice... nice smooth interlocking...nice touch w/ the custom power up... i really like this... seems pretty smooth there is A TON of...
hoe kay than... im excited to see wat u got going when will u be done???
looks nice but i dont like the render... use one u can see at Gordman's :> lol those r nice... see doesnt look FINE with her hair up other than...
lool zorz this is the funniest post in a while not too be a 1)1c1< but wat were u thinking lol... i mean come on there is a list of tricks every...
thats pretty good... i suggest sharpening it... and give it darker colors and such its too bright n bubbly and looks like paint was used... but...
why thx glad to see ppl r actually playing on it instead of just saying 4/5 lol... n i no those took me a while lol... actually not i have a very...
looks good... nice interlocking n such very small... needs action pictures... n more pic. all together... nice layout very simple... sems fun and...
i was completely kidding i really dont care.... but if u have something better be my guest
it looks really nice and flat and well interlocked n such... but is there more to that layout??? i think u need more pictures... but other than...
there r no thread tools on my thing lol it was no where too be found i searched every button n uyes i clicked advanced option
WOW im glad to see the community get so into this lol so many post im quite shocked this has gotten so many replies i cant possible do the voting...
WOWz i hope this isnt better than mine lol ROFL... nice map nice structurers and such... it looks nice and neat... i like the smooth interlocking...