very nice i would choose this over foundry anyday... does ur changes make gameplay better... cause it obviously makes it lookkkkk 100x better......
this looks really good i like the steps but i would have made them out of something else... nice map tho... um... i think u shiould take the back...
thats pretty cool but idont think its original anyone could do this... but the helmet is the right one for the pic colors go well maybe to much...
very neat nice find and picture but more of the pp would have helped it isnt all glowing but this is still good i dont like the FREEZE part doesnt...
lol well why would u sheat its like the kid who gave his account out to get a 50 u pretty much cheated to get what a line under 2 stars... ppl...
didnt work for me... oh well wat u do LORD???
well this is well interlocked tho it seems very small for CTF... the respawn rate needs too be like instant for that im not sure it would play...
sounds cool... the areana seem very well forged it is nice interlocking smooth the idea is win... but u have too have 5 ppl... also how often...
that actually looks really nice... it kinda reminds me of gridlocked w/ a much more complicated design... nice job i bet this looks fun nice job...
okay this needs interlocking it makes it look better and more like a town... n im not for sure all those equipment make it look better... but...
i donno if i saw v.2
okay his was a little confusing let me try i use it alot here... okay u have a wall u want to make an arrow on... so u put a fence wall on the...
Thats tight... unless u edited a blue tint then its not that cool but if its like PD enhanced then its win that looks tight tho it would be better...
Thx Handicap... prob. whats that sopossed to mean lol please do DL and try it out i would love to get some opinions i am contemplating building a...
this looks very nice... i like the grav lift weapon holder part thats pretty sweet... weapons seem powerful but with the little ammo and the tight...
lol this looks pretty nice i love how the boxes r all at there own level looks nice i can tell u spent a lot of time... some places r a little...
nice lol EPIC boat... needs MOAR interlocking tho lol JK... nice layout sounds fun i want to play on its royal epicness too bad im out of DL nice...
okay well i would have to say i no i no REMOVE the robot i dont see it helping much if u want a robot put him ot of the wall this leeds me to my...
That is tight... i like it alot.. nice effect colors go well ect. keep taking them this is good nice effect n the helmet fits :>
down there w/ Deadeye/TNF n stuff bout u using the budget glitch n messing up something...???