the layout here and there look good but the overall layout needs to flow better half is cramed half is empty try to make the two sides work so...
heyz wats up im borez and what to pass u on the renk contest lol :>
wow... nice map... not original but a very nice design overall... well created... it really has the look and feel of a bar... nice now only if...
what u tried to redo it but screwed up the BG that BLOWS i would be pissed
lol nice job making it on FH Favorites
this is really well made i ccan tell u spent ur time nice map;... interlocking is smooth some structures arent that original... but they are well...
nice map from what i can tell this is really good... nice job.. but u need action pic and more all together... nice job lots of new tech. and such...
more pics.. i have no clue what this is like take pics w/o giving away the key... or give us a description of the rooms or something more... form...
i think its a brilliant idea i posted and voted tho idont foresee this happening i would assume bungie would be to power hungry to give it too...
i like the ide but ther would definately need away to geo... and all... this is good n it is already underway.. w/ detail... i donno where to find...
wow the curve and flow of this map is nice.. nice job... the geo merging is nice and the interlocking is nice... nice job with this layout is...
that is a sweet effect nice job... i like it 5/5 for the idea and such... but really nice job so simple yet so win worthy and the helmet actually...
Nice map interlocking and such is really nice.. i like the design n the tower is win... nice use of the crane... thats so original and totally...
best layout EVER lol... nice idea i like it.. i just think uy would get pwned as soon as u step foot in that pit... nice idea tho... tho im not...
This looks okay... u really nedd MORE interlokiing.. it takes it out of square and into fun... nice layout n all... not for sure wats up w/ the...
I like that idea i will change every week or so till i deciede which one i like or get a diff. sig thx for the help...
Some part of the map where over used and clutered and a little too chaotic... the structures are very original... but im not for sure all of it...
well thats good
scopulus u really do weed do that **** isnt worth it not that i could stop u if u were but really either u get caught and quit or u dont get...
ya borrow a disk.. if that doesnt work hen buy i new one this prob. happened when u have rock band in halo 3 is out.. n im just going to assume u...