well this looks pretty cool... like the intrecate system of passages and entrances and such... i advise making the house a little bigger... to add...
Berserk i want my DAMN xbox... my bro's had it for 2 weeks and im DYING... lol... r u n JEEF working on a map together cause i saw u guyz custom...
wat up jeef man i wanna see how the map is coming along... did u name it epoch or is that something else... my bro has taken my xbox to collage...
Millions of times... well sorta nothing ever good most the time foundry loaded w/ fusion coils and propane tanks blasting every where and they...
Xbox Live Gamertag: Boyle06 ForgeHub Username: Boyle06 Age: 15 n a 7.9/10 lol Do You have a mic?: YES Requested Lines: never gonna make you cry
okay what u need to do is use guides... b100d f1r3 has good tuts but i will breifly explain... put ur firs box down (box A) lay another box the...
well i agree in alot of ways... yes if u bought a CC got semi screwed u still have WAY better quality just asuming here bungie has ****ed...
ya those r good points i hope it is high quality... i think this will get alot more ppl to DL the bungie pro... i really can't wait to finally...
i agree its a pain in the ass u have to find where each one is and move very slowly around turns so there is only one guy whose line of fire ur in...
actually u would be quite suprised how well the layout plays... it is excellent can't think of what to change mayB slightly more cover... and the...
okay after reading the post there was something that really caught my attention... the guy said that we would be able to take vids on our xbox...
nice map nice structure well forged nice geomerging... we need a better way to determine the layout tho... but this is nice and it looks good too 5/5
wow this is nice... i wish i could see a vid. so i knew what the layout was more like from what i see it looks really good... nice curves and...
WOW this is very well made... nice job interlocking and getting it so smooth i love how it rolls and tilts and turn so smooth and well... this...
Wow nice... glad to see u have continued to improve it.... action pics= Winsauce... glad to see it.... layout looks just as good as it did n V.2...
lol here i edited it just for UZZZ
IM Boyle06... a lot of you have prob. seen me around i try to post on every new map when i come in as well as being asctive in the New Posts...
lol that nuts siome of that was hard to pick out rest was easy tho... nice find thts funny
well it looks really good geo merging interlocking is EPIC... but i would give it a more vertical asspect... raising the playing feild and giving...
wow this is really good.. nice map... i love the bumped turn idk if ive seen that along w/ the nice layout... the part where u jump tho might get...