i agree w/ th Kn1ght lol... n i did :> y didnt u post it???
dude the last one had some cool ones the needle and the tele spike and the u cant hit ur self w/ a rocket were epic lol... :>
YAY YAY YAY,... im so excited i missed u soo.... whoazzah HE IS BACK HE IS BACK.... hez back hez back.... who might u B again... i may be too NEW...
looks nice.. not many ppl can pull of the back alley way like this... it looks fun but i would have to play to get my final consenses.... looks...
Berserk u have done it again... this is much cleaner than clockworks i see... and interlocking is smooth... layout is as epic as it was the day i...
i think it looks really nice... nice layout... tho maybe too much power weapons hope u gave the shotty little ammo... um... interlocking looks...
well actually they are not as bad as they look but some r tilted a bit thats b/c EVERY one of them is geomerged... not to mention that we didnt...
nice job on the feature
i like the design and the cool structure... tho i think u need to do more geo... and maybe give it more mobility w/ like more jumps and what not...
this map looks really good... the layout is clean and it looks like it would play well.... i think that u could geo merge the boxes more so that...
i like how the battle goes upward and like who ever has the top has the advantage looks really good well interlocked theres a place or 2 that need...
wow that looks really straight and fun too play... im loving the bridges... and the fences work well too... maybe get more airial attacking...
well it is a good idean and look fun... but make it longer and spend a little longer time on it... it looks good and all but needs some work on...
nice i like the hill placements that is really good and all... looks like it would be fun... my fav. is the pool... needs moar interlocking tho......
i wasnt talking about this map i mean an all new much more EPIC MAP... where i can helpz b/c 2 heads are better than 1 but 3 is far more superior...
Cant beat TEX at a debate man lol might as well give up.... lol... i agree youtube will be filled w/ **** videos... but isnt it already lol......
OZZZ i cant wait is it win n when will he finish BATTLELINE or w/e the name was... i cant wait to see it how fair ru? when will u be done? can i...
this is freakin amazingly forge layout is win wepons are nice it looks great interlocking is straight geo merging is smooth and such i dono y u...
that looks prety nice... i like the layout... interlocking is straight and looks nice.. weapons seem good nice job... i like the pics the...
This got posted and i missed it where the help did this come in... i was on here ALL week... wow this is nice typical bl00d f1r3 map... glad this...