I dont think ive heard of Left 4 Dead but ill look it up. I like racing games too so ill check out the new NFS
man this makes me want to play rocket race. awesome vid Iron Maidon FTW lol
haha yea there was a Mr Lovestain83 but xbl made him change it
How could you not buy that car hahaha at least its cheap
EPIC FAIL hahaha
If they could it would be awesome
Mines the Nissan 350z
wow that looks cool are there even tires on the back?
I may rent just to see
Just watched the Intro. Seems really cool I really like watching machinimas, so I will wait for episode 1
daaaang epic win
so in WaW you snipe with no scope?? thats just wrong
Ive been wondering, what is castle crashers? I see that my friends are playing it but i have no clue what it is
cool so you get most of the maps from gears 1?
hahaha awesome song I love all the random dancing people
hahaha cant wait for the next one leaves you wondering what arbiter is goin to do
wooooooo!! Gears 2 is going to be epic
thanks the elites are the best ones
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ubhmh1Xax5Q this so funny couldnt stop laughing