okay, i'm going to recap, the attackers respawn in one room. the defenders respawn in the armory. the defenders take the weapons and break through...
looks good
this doesn't meet up to forge-hub standards try imbedding pics look at the how to post your map thread
an armory, great place for camping! Better bring a tent! have you ever heard of weapon balancing? and what game-types does it support? I...
thank the lord I made one of these and it was completely unstable, you fixed it though not very original, but the best one I've seen yet.
you should make blocks on the top holes of the ship that only respawn on asymmetric games. any missile pods or anti-vehicle weapons?
looks excellent, I'm downloading.
I still have practically no downloads, please download and play it, it's hard to explain without you actually playing it.
It is for the hold out game type, and the armory is for breaking throught the wall of crates. there are weapons on the map, and the armory is the...
nice post, i'll never read the whole thing. I never thought I'd say this, but too much elaboration
Hold out Created by Killamanjaro123 Supported Gametypes: Hold Out assault gametype, found on my file share, and all infection variants, except...
It's kind of cool, but it's only soccer. I wish there was a point system
doesn't look bad at all, I'll dl I love being the first to compliment maps how do you set off the switches? I hate being the first to...
looks good, but not interesting enough. The map isn't very creative, it looks like just another foundry map. Add some aesthetics, and more walls...
looks great, i'll dl and test it 4 u just cuz it looks awesome:squirrel_evil: don't make on foundry please, that would be horrible
looks cool, im going to dl definitely
great looking map, i'll be sure to dl. Looks like a good 1v1 slayer for me and my friend