no double posting, and your pics aren't working. what website did you use?
heh heh, looks fun, I'll dl. are the vehicles indestructible?
yeah, post some pics please... they have to be linked to photobucket or something, not bungie
okay, you have one pic, but it isn't imbedded. did your friend give permission to you to publish his map? You have enough posts to know how to...
yeah, definitely needs interlocking. could you send me a PM if you publish a v2? I need a few more pics and because of the few pics, a weapon...
looks nice, and he never double posted
nice, I don't like the pics, but the bases look excellent. the spartan laser is a good choice of power weapon, but maybe it should have been a...
try using a custom powerup for cool effects,or active camo or over shield. [IMG] and when a deployable cover gets destroyed it disorts the...
I love the idea and there is nothing but good ideas in this map, I just plain love it, I might make a night time map... and give credit of the...
My first map had an armory, so I'll say to you what they said to me, An armory? looks like a great place for camping! bring a tent! but...
hey, no double posting, just edit the first one!
haha cortana the virtual stripper
I did make it, but a liar who stole my map before I published it said I didn't. then Grif blocked the thread, and the liar got over 1,000 dls....
yay epitah! wow epitah! dude, epitah! oh my god its epitah! wtf its epitah! epitah, whoah, that's amazing! I still can't get over that! epitah
whats a spectacular roster?
i'm just making a competition, then listing the best ones on my first posts.
um, update the pics and make a new scene, plus add the couch and stuff pics in
no, u post your hard to find screenshots and other people try to find them on a map
not bad at all, I may dl (harddrive space is precious) (blam! bungie for the item limit!)