lol ok
you should ask vorpal if we can has
stealth and amercans tgif of PNW
we should run our own pnw (pacific north west) tgif during the actual tgif and be all famous and stuff
Wow this has got to be the greatest map post ever! i played the map for errr what was the reason again? oh yeah for sweeny to make a video. It ws...
im going to call you charliebrnnn from now on.
this is my second holy calamity holy crap although this does not relate to the series at all. Just watch....
Ok if you were using budget glitch than i may know what happened to you. ok one time i was playing a foge match and y35 joined so i saved and quit...
snow duh
we found a map to candy mountain Charlie
my favorite map style has got to be urban or industrial. the reason being is that they make the most sense when you are making a map on foundry...
oh ok
i wasnt going to post i was looking at what the person had said because i saw the most recent post in maps discussion was on maverick so i was...
yarly. dude its snowing again! i just lke the snow because it means no school
how the hell did you do that? actually do not tell me because i am too tired to remember anything and im falling asleep while tipng ths i sprsd...
my neck hurts from tilting my head.
its cold it started snowing today and i was like fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu- yeah we have...
cause i made that when they first mentioned the guardians so i made a picture for that rank but they did not use mine :( but i still keep it as...