You my friend just won some spam pancakes with a side of ban and some nice warn sausage.
Hey i would like to know more about Scholars and when i can become 1 please.
Hey whisper i cant see whatever it is in your sig but would you please remove it because it lags up my internet very badly
Deathtoll i had epic sex idea. Gauss and mouse with deathpit around the gauss leading to no honor rules= FEATURE NAO! and than Nada Pesos! which...
yeah that would be awesome to switch things like that.... but we donet know exactly which objects are immovable yet so dont be sad just yet. who...
Wait is the teleporter big and noticeable or is it somewhat hard to find? also could you tell me where the skull is? jkjk
Ok but i call dibs on making a baby in forge that you can move around in and fight in and stuff Sir that is spam please do not do that if you are...
i call dibs on epic minigame map remake. oh what now sarge what now!
I play on 10 for regular matches and 6-7 on team snipers.
can you get items that were spawned under the sky box on top without having to delete the items thus lowering the oln
okley doke
IHOP amirite? or family pancake house
scholar sounds cool.
yes yes i was. Most random thing i have ever seen
Falling off a ledge no, sandtrap mines yes. when you fall off a ledge it counts as a suicide.
i are gonna make a remake of pennyless on sandbox k?
Why would there be a separate forum for them they would still be organized by competitive mlg etc. I plan on making a new version of pennyless...
Actually i found an awesome little law in my media class that says your are legally allowed to use 30 seconds of any songs in any video regardless...
Just a question how did you get the random box to work?