Code Geass was pretty good, and it had 50 episodes total. R2 was a little weak though, although the end was pretty awesome.
Okay(?) BTW, I have a new "anime interest", if you're just curious.
While people will indeed call you weird, I must say you have some balls for expressing your love for hentai fully. For that, I raise you a Harry...
---------- So how would you rate the ending on a scale from 4x2.5=10 to 3.5x2.5=8.75? ---------- May my laughbox rest in peace.
Hatsune Miku Tough question. As for mine, its a 3-way tie between Kurumu (Rosario + Vampire), Lala (To Love-Ru), and Aya (Guilty Crown).
How do you feel about writing on your profile that you watch hentai?
Spyros 1-3 I regret losing them in the dark mazes known as my attic.
WARNING! MAJOR SPOILER IS COMING! Congrats on getting Spotlight.
1. Kaleidoscope (Guilty Crown) 2. Yami (To Love-Ru) 3. Don't have one 4. Emperor Lelouch (Code Geass) 5. ??? 6. My Dearest (Guilty Crown)
Media Director? What's that?
You wrote Satan. Good thing one of the mods didn't catch that.
1. Aya (Guilty Crown) 2. Lala Statalin Deviluke (TLR) 3. Highschool of the Dead 4. Akira Takizawa (Eden of the East) 5. V.V. (Code Geass) 6. Shu's...
The ending of Code Geass nearly made me cry. 3rd in a row: lolpokemon
It depends on how far away the enemy is. Pretend I'm using a DMR, if the enemy is reasonably far away, I'd rather pace my shots and take him out...
I turned 15 2 weeks ago. Joined when I was 14. If you remember me back then you would've thought I was 12. Even I believed it. Edit: I still...
I feel loved <3
You made Mizore look even more stoned as ****.