Like I've already said, the map is too small to support a full 16-player lobby, and the second holdout area is a little bit difficult. Other than...
Spongebob is here gaize!
Player - Baby Come Back - YouTube
How long did the original Pharmacy Counter group last?
This conversation below me is quite possibly the best I've read.
I was watching half of Guilty Crown nonstop, and before that Motto nonstop. I think a break can do me no harm, unlike you where animu is your life...
As I said, I'm taking a break from animu. Auburn told me a while back it has the same concept as Eden, so I'll consider it.
Is she yandere?
Sorrrrry. BTW who's your avvy?
Well I love the theme you have going on here, with all the construction and rubble going on. My only complaint is the use of the coli walls. To me...
Sorry, taking a break from watching animu
Fixed. Forging in the colosseum isn't a bad thing at all, but using the entire area as your building ground makes the final map look ugly....
Aww... a camp built in my honor :3 Jokes aside, I'm glad you're starting to post maps again. Your work never ceases to amaze me, especially with...
Finally got a game on this, and I found a few issues, mainly involving the map and the gametype. For starters, I didn't like the gametype you...