name change? Battle Tracks 76. You created that website. if you can find time could you explain the software you use.
What happened!
That logo is actually really cool. I am aiming for the site to be fully operable within a week of sandbox's release. Right now I am designing...
TrueDarkFusion is banned. Yesterday and the day before Insane and TDf got early copies of the mythic map pack and were giving away free codes....
I almost have my xbox back. I would be honored to finish a map from a forger like you. If you want to just put it on your file share. i will give...
What people don't realize when it comes to merging is that there is actually another way. The save and quit method! Instead of using a door and...
I don't actually know my IP adress because I never use it. is it always those sort of numbers.
much like blue jay would you be able to unban me.
I left like 5 minutes into it reply about some person that was flooding the place and I go back to forgehub come back and I am banned. WTF.
Why was i banned.
when does your mythic preview start.
What have you tried. This has happened to me but I figured out a way around it. I wonder how. Try grabbing it with a weapon holder and maneuvering...
what do you know about the murder of TrueDarkFusion!
Do you know exactly how TrueDarkFusion got banned?
Linu made it.
I have been thinking about ways to deceive the towers and such. Allow me to introduce my fool proof yet complicated plan for breaking the tower...
Are you certain that you have deleted the original bomb spawns and return points. The only reason they wouldn't save is because you are not...
OMG back to loyal!
Also your sig does not meet the standards of forge hub. It must fit between the size of 500 X 200 pixels. I could help you crop it if you would like.
No, a man cannon is an immovable object. Even if you somehow magically managed to get the man cannon spinning through some incredibly complex maze...