WOW, night maps. those Resident Evil maps that people used to make on sandbox are going to get taken to a whole new level. I wish I had sandbox. I...
If you want to upgrade from GIMP then take a trip to office depot and buy Photoshop Elements. It has more options, filters, and tools. But it is...
Wow, Any chance of you getting staff was obliterated in that comment. If I was offered staff i would take it in a heartbeat. I don't see why you...
My mouth is watering. I would like to see a picture of its orginaized beauty if possible. And where exactly have you placed the object. Thanks for...
there are indeed other ways to merge objects. For example if you were to race one object down and interlock the top of it with a larger object it...
You cannot possibly be saying that you are disappointed with sandbox. If this is your opinion so be it but you should really know that the...
LAWL. Punker Kid. Don't forget my request.
Hello i will be your guide today. if you would like yummy waffles click here. If you are interested in pancakes I suggest you click here. If you...
Escarpment has benn rreleased!!
thank you for ll the great comments people. Chances are i wont remake this on sandbox. It just wouldn't be the same. Imagine the same thing except...
Hey you were the one who interviewed me. It's been three weeks. Was I rejected or something?
[IMG] The idea for escarpment first came to me when I was floating boxes above the cliff on avalanche and realized that it had some potential. I...
I believe that overloading the map turns the sky bubble grid as well as the towers off. Dave the rave should try doing this and then blocking the...
Well this is a very good find. One question I have to ask is if geomerging is really necessary in the sky bubble? With the great palette list one...
why'd you have a custom title. Did you use to be respected?
WTF happened here?
Happy Birthday to you, Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday dear xMBMAxPureEvil, Happy birthday too you!!!!
Hello, like two weeks ago I got an interview by Zachary for the testers guild. That same day I was told that he would have to get christbrnn to...
You have the pics when you click on the links. Don't bother coding them just copy and paste them.