[IMG] My first map Process. It looks good but it played like crap. That bleach arena looks pretty good geometry wise.
As the arbiter, Fully upgrade your arbiter with blinding blades and Ghastly Vision. Next spawn around 8 fully upgraded locusts and the rest...
I am but I can only help during the weekends and I play a lot of Halo Wars so my activity is very limited.
nothing really just chillaxing!
It's a lost cause now!
Doog Nit, I thought you had left for good. As of right now it looks to be a pretty epic sandbox map. This could award you your premium rank....
you're over 6,000!!!
Think of it this way. The geometry to most maps is either a rough copy of Onslaught or Amplified except with a few changes here and there. Anybody...
Well onsluaght and amplified have set the standard for MLG maps so high that it is hard to make anything as good. Many maps use onslaughts wall...
Sounds interesting. What do you plan on building this wall with? The best objects would be crates I suppose but there aren't that many of them....
In theory, everything should be as aesthetically pleasing as possible as long as it doesn't take away from the gameplay experience. A better...
874 x 225 if you may :)
874 x 225 if you may. It is not a sig it is a banner. just keep that in mind. Thanks to Right Side Theory and plugin friend for their help. :)
I am in the works of setting up a competitive halo wars site but i am sucking at the graphics portion so I am turning to forgehub. I need an eye...
you would be right, the video on the front page of bungie.net is just taking the map apart. You can't interlock by just forcing the objects...
Foundry is a big open room just like the crypt too. I love how as soon as one of these threads is made like 5 kids come running in and say that...
I thought of something similar as soon as the sky bubble pictures were released. i plan on having two LARGE bases on opposite ends of the sky...
And that's cool and all but you have to realize how much easier it would be yo just interlock a double box to the top of the object you which to...
This guide was made by Deathstar. Although it is tough to do it is incredibly accurate. ~ForgeGod117
Dear star of knights... Shut up.... About everything! :)