Solid Sparkle left them with a warning.
T1 - 1v1 T2 - 2v2 T3 - 1v1 T4 - 2v2 T5 - ?v? No prizes for guessing that... Like RST said, this thread is silly. Too much spam....
εїз Butterfly Fluttershy Coincidence?
"earths plates shifting" Enter: the earthquake
Ive told tou nothing but truff. Dunno where you get your info lol.
Px have been done for a while.
I have to wait four whole days? *dies*
Nah, I'm holding up for a last little bit of awesomeness. I haven't had even enough time to sleep the past week or so... come Wednesday night, I...
I didnt commission jack ****, its all custom made by yours truly.
What in the world are you talking about?