It would've been better if you remade Bloodgulch instead. Hemorrhage was a pretty bad map in Reach. No, actually it was a really bad map. Map...
Dude check out the results video!!
That whole brand doesn't even exist in the Netherlands. Can you imagine how I feel about all this co-branding.
Oh I'm sorry I didn't know that. Why not? I thought mine was good enough to be submitted. And I need those MS to buy me the DLC map packs haha.
How do you know about this? Has he posted a video on his channel about it? I was right, I knew it. I even got the amount of maps right (I thought...
I don't. Sniping in Halo 4 is lame and sucks. They completely screwed it up. But I can understand if others want to, though, because it's still a...
Is it true that you have to win such games 100 times in total in order to get the (f-ing awesome) Locus skin? Halo 4: King of the Hill conquers...
Read the paragraph called BIOC, TCOJ & the Customs Lobby over here as well.
You can email me if you want. Unfortunately I don't really have time right now to go look what PMs to delete to make room.
This is a cool song by two Dutch rappers. I'm usually not a big fan of rap but this song is really catchy in my opinion. Fellow Dutchies in the...
lmao. I tried to join his lobby but apparently he was recording, lol :P
Also, are you and Mingo planning on remaking Aihab? I absolutely loved it, it would be awesome to see it return in Halo 4! (Even though we no...
Played it. Loved it. There isn't much else to say.
Can you help me test a map RIGHT NOW? :) I need some more players and you're one of the few online (at least on ForgeHub)
Nice, I'll be online within 15 minutes
Hey man can we talk on Skype sometime soon? I would like you to make a new Database for Flood maps ;)
I heard someone say they would get it done in January instead.. but I'm not sure if they'll keep their word this time. Let's hope so because the...
Add me on skype and I'll tell you the whole story, "remkings". I checked the site and my name is actually in between.