You're thinking of the seventh column symbol.
Hate to burst your bubble even further but that looks like the Marathon symbol more then it looks like the Moniter.
That's cartoony? This is cartoony. [IMG] And about the scarab. It's not a combat scarab like the one in Halo 3. It's a mining Scarab that has...
Anon isn't any one person. Anon is anonymous. Anon is no one but everyone.
I'm not sure you know what an internet celeb is... Anyway, I really don't care what hapened to her. Annoying voice, decent looking but had an...
They were mad that she(indirectly) ruined their site.
TBH, the game doesn't seem all that promising in the first place. Personaly, I'm expecting a Boshock in a post-apocalyptic Chicago which gets rid...
She wasn't hated by millions. She was liked by too many people who thought that she was what every /b/tard should be and constantly spamed...
You do know that that's CGI, right? Out of curiosity, why?
The only reason you people don't understand all the commotion is because you don't have the full image. You see what the result is, not how it got...
Please tell me I'm not the only one that thought of Cradily from Pokemon.
The rings are the easiest way, not the only way. And besides, do you need to kill the Flood? No. The only reason the flood could even fly the...
... Just because MC told the UNSC about the Flood doesn't mean that any other humans saw the Flood and didn't live to report it. And Ensemble....
Who says that was the first place the Flood appeared? Lots of places like the Herectic station could have exhisted! And, I'd rather they add the...
The Flood are in as uncontrollable units. They're on the map and they attack everyone on the map. And the Elephant is a mobile barracks.
It's eitheir the MAC gun, powers or Spartans. Any of those three could be it or a fourth option... And yes, the Flood are in it but not playable....
That's only a rumor. There has been no official word as far as I'm aware. TBH, I can't think of any that would interest me. The only reason I'd...
I don't see the need for more then 100 friends either. Using a dummy account to recieve the friends should be fine for those who, for whatever...
IGN: CES 2009: Microsoft's Very Own LittleBigPlanet Well, all those who wanted LittleBigPlanet but couldn't be bothered getting a PS3. Kodu seems...
TBH, this whole thing is a massive 'if.' Not to mention it's still just a rumor and a very unlikely one at that. Sony do have many other things...