You could just play a normal game. Much easier. And I get what your saying but it is still easier to just play a normal game.
Let's play a logic game, shall we? Now, the Mythic map pack early thing is only for the Limited Edition. Which version of the game is the...
I find it funny that your complaining about balance when it's got no online multiplayer and about things that are only specific to the game that...
You know, you can upgrade that pop cap?
You are allowed to use Captain Cutter(UNSC) and the Prophet of Regret. Captain Cutter Unique unit: Elephant. Leader Power, MAC blast. Super...
There are 2 Factions with 6 playable armies. The 3 UNSC commanders play the same but they have something unique to that individual unit. For...
The real game is 3v3. I believe that is the most amount of people for any console RTS. And, don't take my word n it but I thik there's campaign...
There's only an AI, no online options for the demo.
What? The last part made no sense whatsoever. RTS games suck online? Is that what your saying or are you saying that Halo Wars Multiplayer...
No, I think Lucasarts just made Free Radical not tell anyone about Battlefront 3. Lucasarts owns all games that have Star Wars in front of it...
Yeah, unfortuanetly, Free Radical had to sell Battlefront 3 to stay a float.
I'd stick with Firefox considering Chrome is made by a company who makes money by finding out about you.
I'll agree to you about one thing, WaW is trying way too hard to be CoD4. Which is a huge shame as the prospect of two companies working on one...
So far, I've only played WaW for 2 hours but CoD 4 has already got a huge lead over WaW. Compar ing the same hours of play for CoD4 to CoD5, I...
Nobody. Only K4F care apparently.
Where do I jump on the so called bandwagon? I'm just saying that with the way you and your sites members are acting, it make syou seem all the...
When trying to use logic, use proper grammar. It helps. Also, read in between the lines.
This post is all I need to prove that he is eitheir 13(or near the age)/a high school dropout/frat boy. All of them at once? Maybe. Seriously,...
I see no resemblence other then the centre.
You can clearl see the Marathon symbol in the middle. [IMG] The red lines are distinct shapes I saw. [IMG] I see no similarities, other then...