Want to see some Grizzly action on Blood Gulch? What about the Arbiter kicking ass? A closer look at the Brute Chieftain? Some...
This is what the full game looks like. Also what Deathmatch plays like... And 3v3.
Actually, there are 6 main Call of Duties. The rest are expansions of some sort. The only thing I hope they add is an attachment that gets rid...
I'm thinking of doing something in Game Design. I know that just about everyone rolled their eyes there. I've started searching on how hard it is...
I think his problem is that Zombies has just changed drastically. In Halo 2, it was just no shields Shotguns + Swords Team Slayer variant. That...
I doubt asking people about their favorite vehicle/weapon will do much to improve your map as some people like vehicles due to their look instead...
She has the Cyrobomb leader power, Cyclops unit, the Hawk super unit and research takes half the time and half the resources.
And that one building could give you Regret.
They didn't get rid of anything. The Elites we're used to are made by Bungie with an in game engine. The ones you see are Elites made by a...
If you read the tips along the bottom of the menu screen, it tells you this and it also tells you that Hawks(Hornet) are the last super unit and...
Okay, I am now perfecting a leader rush of sorts. What you do is you build a temple, 2 Warehouses and a Barracks. Sell the Temple as soon as...
Am I the only person who doesn't build defenses? I find that they die too easily and units do their job much more effectively,
I think you should format the upgrades a bit more. Maybe use bullet points. And maybe put the name of the unit in the center. So instead of what...
... Did you ignore the context completely? If the UNSC decide to MAC Regret, they lose money. Simple as. If they upgrade the MAC, they lose...
And I'm saying they are powerful enough. 1000$ worth of Hunters will own 1000$ worth of Vehicles, they will win. They will suffer more casulities...
Cost to cost, Hunters own vehicles and bases easily. Regret doesn't take too long to spawn eitheir, not to mention he costs less then a MAC...
What? You expect to see Hunters own everything on the ground? Just cover them from infantry. Is it really that hard? You do know that if it...
seriously? Sweet! Do you have to upgrade?
It's a little early to comment on balance since you can't exactly test this. The problem with Vultures is that they take a lot of pop cap. They...
They have Rockets