Proof? How do you know that they didn't ask the makers of the original song to use their song? How do you know that the melody is the same?...
Then get GIMP or do the thing that many, many Photoshopers have done... Also, you thank me for the tips yet you do not lessen your usage of the...
I'm with LOCKdown on this one. You should learn tutorials and asking us about ideas on how to do this, not for us to do it for you. Also, stop...
First of all, you wrote everything except 'too' correctly. WTF? Second, the lyrics sound nothing alike...
Thank you for clearing that up. ++ to you Dman. But when did it say that Maria was Eggmans/Robotniks cousin? If it says it very clearly in the...
Weren't Robotnik and Eggman both seen in Sonic Adventure Battle 2? I vaguely recall seeing Eggman and Co. with Sonic and Co. both watching a video...
Your point is totally moot. Think about this. I make a song using only the guitar and I publish it. It becomes a success and I get a little bit...
I know, right. The amount of satanic references in Super Mario 3 is insane! *Cookie to anyone who knows where that's from.*
I'm torn between Alex from Golden Sun and Mithos/Yggdrasil from Tales of Symphonia. *Spoiler* Alex is a cool character who uses you throughout...
What have I done... Curses, I'd have gotten away if it weren't for you meddling ex-staff!
It was a user genarated catchphrase...
You're safe from losing any money. And they can use your account any way they see fit. You could change your password to keep 'em out, though.
You seem to be misundertstanding me. Call of Duty:World at War is Call of Duty 5. End of. It's not called CoD5 because of them getting rid of the...
link. another link. need another? Some people can be stubborn after all. 'Lawl' indeed.
No, but I did see an interview with one of the devs say that they were getting rid of the numbering scheme and that calling it CoD 5 was correct.
Yeah, Phising. There's a sticky on about this. The hackers do something to make it seem as if you are on And if you didn't...
I never understood why people haven't realised that World at War is 5. It's almost as if they are saying that WaW is just a mod or an expansion...
-36 meters, bitches!