Sorry Grif, one last time. 1. Irrelevant. 2. A lot of people like Twilight and Soulja Boy. Are they good? Are they amazing? No. They're...
My problem isn't with how good they are. My problem is just how bad the idea for them is. The starters just kept getting worse and worse....
Fallout 3 is way too stat based. It really ruins the enjoyment when you realise the reason that the reason that Super Mutants head just blew clean...
It's a rather obvious answer, I was more or less complaining about the fact that the devs just make a game and cut off the best Pokemon to those...
Hacks suck. Unless it's for those stupid Pokemon that you have to go to special events for. Why did Game Freak make you go there just to get them?...
All I have is a yellow Rhyperior, Green Skamory, Pink Crobat, shiny Zigzagoon, Pink Butterfree and a Red Shiftry. I'd trade all of those for a...
You know guys, it's games that you're ashamed to like. Not games that you love. You know, those games that you know you wouldn't generally like...
I forgot these two. Get rid of No scoping and add disapperaing grenades upon death.
If I were to make a mod for Halo 3. I would definetly change: CQB In Halo 3, Close Combat has too many weapons dedicated to it. The Shotgun,...
I forgot who wanted it but there is a Modern RTS mod called Mid East Crisis. I think it's a mod for C&C3. It's a total conversion mod. The three...
Ice's looks better but both lack the zazz that one looks for in a sig. Somethings's off with them but I don't know what it is.
Halo 3. I keep seeing so many things they did horribly but I somehow like it.
I'm talking about multiplayer. And in Campaign, levels never take longer then 50 minutes, difficulty is usually just adding 5 minutes to level...
Red Alert 3: 20-40 minute games. C&C 3: 10-20 minutes. DoW 2: 20-40 minutes. Starcraft: 20-30 minutes. UaW: 20-30 minutes. We are talking...
Never said otherwise. The only thing is, RTS games need a good community to actually make the game awesome. BTW, do you have it or something...
It was too big and they didn't want to lose another company like Bungie so they assimiliated them. I'm assuming the last part.
Stormrise is already dead. Sad but it was released yesterday and next to nobody remembered.
You do realise that the Covenent are considered overpowered by many? You are the first person I've heard actually say that exact reason as to...
Hahahahahahahah, Oh, wow. A good campaign they may have had but do you honestly think that Starcraft is still alive due to the story? An amazing...
Anybody who buys an RTS for story is no true RTS fan or a lover of Strategy games. RTS game stories, Blizzard games unincluded, are just there...