4/5 very creative, nice job Shock Theta
I'll be downloading this one :]
Wow looks like a map that should have been shipped. Very professional. 5/5
/Claps GG 5/5
DAMN, that must have took a lot of time; Kudos
CQB map :D 5/5
:D :D :D looks fun!!
I think i played this on the infection playlist. 5/5 IMO
O_o Halo Rats! :O 4/5
That looks really good, kinda reminds me of SPR
this map reminds me of pac-man, and pac-man is epic 10/10 :D
not bad 4/5
This looks really fun nice job 9/10
Looks good 3/5
I hate it when that happens.
Its happened to me once. I was very pissed.
haha, 48 of forging, I would probably go insane. But nice job on the map looks good.
Kirby FTW!!
LOL FY MAPS!!! make AIM_anything or de_nuke!!!
I had it for about 3 weeks beat it and returned it, wasn't to bad but the online was bad and after playing the story line its pretty boring.