wow, truely cool map, i love the ramps up to the sides and bases. this gives the map a smoother touch. however, there is not much cover on the...
sweet map, love the catwalk and the courtyard area. A suggestion is to put the purple light that sits on the grass, oush it into the boxes for a...
good map, nice idea for the lower part of sandbox part to make an mlg map, i like the flag spawns and by the way is the map breakable, it looks...
nice map, all the sides are perfect with the other side, i love the symmetrical idea. you may want to take away the power up and put camo, due to...
the bases look like mlg lockdown with variations, but love the sniper spawn and the openness of the map, i suggest geomerging some of the barriers
wow! i love the hanging tower things, although i don't like how the rockets and overshield are in within a few jumps to get both of them. I would...
you might not want to take pictures in forge mode, and also the map (in my opinion) looks a little crammed at the middle part. Anyways i like the...
hey my gt is LA Shooter25 whats your gt
this reminds me of vertex ng on foundry, but love the sandbox feel to it, woulld suggest power ups.
as far as the pics go i love how the objects fell into place all at the right spots, however the custom powerup that spawns after the game starts,...
hey there nice post for a map, and can you help me with something
no offense but this kinda reminds me of amplified just a simpler version, maybe some more interlocking tiin the middle section good job though.
well you did it first by saying "here's an Idea, DONT SPAM MAPS!"
ok im guessing im not one of them then
i guess your right on that part, my bad, do you have a sneek peek?
no are they on sandbox or foundry
ofcourse stealing everyone elses maps that have taken more than a hour unlike yours if there so goood show me some
oh my someone has gotten all grown up and by the way nice coverup for the sucky map
kid your a *** ok, i could forge better than you anyday. don't tell me what to do little five year old
wanna help me on my map i really need some help