thanks for notifying me before i did more damage, by the way do you do conquest maps i think i have a good idea for one, do you mind helping me?
sorry i was just trying to get some posts
very interesting map, i love the camo hut, which is perfectly aligned. also the transition from bridge to wall interlocking which takes much skill...
alrighty then, when iget back in town i will be sure to help you, go any other maps, im on vacation and im bored so i could look at them if you...
no just message me on live and hopefully you will have kept them in your saved map files in forge and custom games, file share is only neccesary...
can conquest maps be in the shape of an I
you have a lovely fort knox map, please feel free to add me for help i would love to help yyou make a v2, im on the review team and could get this...
this is a truely well built map i have to say i would love to help you make a v2 if u want to. I would suggest adding a movable slide door to a...
wow, great map i usually don't post on racemaps because i never play on them, but now this gives me a reason to. i love the curves and the...
im sorry but i would have to agree with lemur, i mean honestly the houses with rooftops? the wire spool, and the nearly vertical bridges? i do...
this map is a very good looking map. i like the smooth merging and interlocks. the sniper is probably in the best spot and i like the barrels on...
the ruins map pack 1 post you put on the thread was spam, and im not going to dawn on it but please make it easy on the moderators and posst correctly
hey on your sig it says support player can i copy and paste that and what others are they're other than the support br
i like the map in general espicially the two story part, you might want to change the name because again it is a halo 2 map, and no offense thats...
no problem, you got any maps? im on the review team i could always use another map test.
well i like the parts where the map became test subjects, but doesn't really call for feature worthy, some of the tests like the tilted box isn't...
wow this map is now down on my favorites list. I am very amazed by the mathmatics put into the map like the timer which alone is probably the only...
i like the map and have grown found of maps like these, but one problem, the rockets and turret are very near eachother, which can promote a...
good map, the structure is a bit small but i like how there is an undergrouund section along with the upper decks and walk-ways. again the hornet...
the streets and the bases are remarkable and very expertly built. however, i agree with david250 that this map is wierldy made, to where its very...