Good luck! :D
Odd, I remember you being American. Hm. How odd.
But are you an american in irelend? Or pure irish?
What's with the name change broseff?
I remember you being American, at least in accent, in a game, but I hear you live in Ireland? Is dat tr00?
Wow, your in round 4. Congrats.
No way, you active again, I love your vids! :D
k, ty :D
It's great :D Not too sure about the "LOVED" being cut off at the top a little, couldn't you just make it a little transparant at the top? Thanks :D
You stolez my themes. D: Wallpaper pl0x? :P
K, thanks, I'm looking for a red-y sorta scheme, but idk. Your the boss, boss. d:
You can get a Watercooling kit for the 360. Not sure how much it is, or what your budget is though.
The white line at the left side is irritating, get rid of it and it's an awesome sig.
Did you get my PM?
Goddamn. How many you need for iTouch?
Holy farck, I have 14, how long you been saving for?
How many do you have so far?
Didn't someone get in trouble for having a SwagBucks sig?
Lol.. Also, when you read the text above it the image flashes. Or am I just having a seizure?
ths nt gd enuf 4 mi