S'fine bro, as you said, new slate. :D
Quite. :P
Well I value his opinion and in some respects I guess your right, but anyhow, end to teh angrz lol
You can haz Waffle nao ololol
Well I'm not one to stand people calling my friends a ******, but sure.
Do you mod Halo?
Goto my profile page and read what Huntar put, he put a response to you.
If your GT is InfernoMADNESS, why have it set as NKrUsHeR?
S'fine, I wasn't in a rush, I never am >< Sorry to be a pain but it still looks like the never has a box around it D:, I really love it though,...
So? That makes no difference, we should have mutual respect no matter how long we have been here. As Huntar said: "Just because you have been...
That was uncalled for.
What's the rainmeter skin on the left with the processes? Also, what Adium skin do you use?
Don't spam the Lolbox. Just don't.
Cool, thanks a lot, I'm in no rush really, I don't use XP much on my mac anyhow.
I run Vista on my PC, but have XP on my Mac Boot camp. Linkylink to all? I'm greedy. :P
Cool, very nice find, and yes it would be awesome. Anyone else ever seen this?
Lol, we are all just theivng whores really, and do you run XP? You have a sick visual theme there.
I've never seen this before, but I don't forge much really. Does the antigrav stay in customs? I can't really see a use for it but it's pretty...
Oh cool, I'll download that tommorrow, would fit well with my RM theme, thanks a lot :D And zomg I have that wallpaper in my collection also.
What is it? I'm too tired to type any mo-