i would like some more opics but cool!
i think itll look FANTABULOUS if interlocking was in 4/5
Nice with the scenery placement but couldve interlocked them good job though =P
Looks frozen =P Good job looks like a really good mapy juding from pics
Nice pics and interlocking!
LOOKS CLEAN! AHAH nice with the floating also
Looks good but you could have tried interlocking to make the map look cleaner good job though
Looks FUN!?
Cool i think you should try more pics and interlocking nice remake of shipment though =]
Its an ok map but i think that if you made it bigger it would be way better and the turrets blocking the passage way to get the flags are really...
Haha it seems fun to play and thats cool how they almost never dissapears
Haha pics look good but i dont get how they connect? great job with pics =] The first two are taken with the roof off to show the entirety of...
Looks pretty cool. Nice and Clean 4/5
Haha very well done looks clean and fun good job with the fence walls they look perfect and sweet. I was thinking of making a pillar map but i...
Looks great and very good job with the interlocking bridges =] -ActTehKiLL
Haha looks cool good with interlocking and i think it would be cool for Team Slayer
Very good placement with the scenery but i think it wqould be better if you put more of it cuz it looks empty
Looks very clean and looks like fun good job! =P
Uhm pretty good BUT LIKE ALOT OF PEOPLE you should try interlocking it makes the map look clean and more fun =P 3/5
Looks great except the no interlocking =/ 4/5 though