Very well made and looks really good even the outside and the corners are nice! great job! also i would like to see more of the inside but its ok...
Very nice interlocking =] i love the fountains =P and i dont see how that elevator shaft works?
Cool/nice catch i hate people that takes other peoples maps and ideas that are new or not likely used so good job with catching that rat =]
Lol cool pictures im guessing background is alot of fences close together! =P
Kinda reminds me of THE ARK LOL very interesting interlocking and I love using those grav lifts =P Great Job 5/5
Nice use of map and interlocking with some of the boxes i say looks really fun for FFA? haha Good JOB! 4/5
Your interlocking looks really good and the shield door thing is also good for campers =P ahah not that i am one 0.o haha looks fun for FFA 5/5?...
Tehee! Looks like a fun Infection map and the row of weapons looks great but kinda cheep but looks cool, good with interlocking BUT outside is...
Lol i think that you should have made it in a place like Foundry also if you take down one of the fusion coils most likely all of them are also...
Uhm i think you need pictures haha but 4 fuel rods!? haha Already sounds like riot =p
Looks like fun but im not into infection maps like this i like more complicated to get killed infection maps =] Good job though!
Looks great plus the inerlocking looks perfect and the red and blue base looks FANTABULOUS ALSO 3.8/5 though
Nice floats =] And cool stuff! haha i guess good job!
Looks pretty awesome and nice but needs interlocking good job looks great!
Looks pretty clean and nice! =]
Looks fun for drifting and to mess with!
Looks like fun!
Looks good outside how bout in!? prolly good also =P Good Job
Nice job w/ interlocking
it would be good if more interlocking nice job!