An average map for a first? i guess pretty good i guess but then i think the map has little cover and thats what i think you should try to fix
Its pretty nice but kinda sloppy? good interlocking some boxes you should try to do fantabulously good job with all interlocking objects =p
I love the placement of the scenery the clipping is very Fantabulously done greatly love the red beast thing =P its cool
Looks Fantabulouse i love the way you put the red light green light ad yellow light for when to go?
Wow looks really FAWESOME! ahah i think that if i played it, it would seem big and i like medium-big maps also very good with inter-locking
Haha very Fantabulous love the interlocking on it very small though? you should get some pics of the inside so we can see wats inside =p
iTS OKAY i think the boxes could need some interlocking but i dont really know what this map is for? slayer or a gametype?
Lol funny how you put a soccer ball on the forklift =P cool good job but you can also use interlocking
Looks like haunted house or something Lol cool =P great job could need interlocking>? also nice with the covers
Very good map i love the buildings! you should interlock the boxes though its really nice! 4/5 bridges can be better
This Map post does not meet the standards. Please read this topic on how to properly post maps. I am sure your map is good so please follow the...
This is the link to the thread so that you can figure out how to post a map
Actually this post does not meet the requirements if you go to community maps and scroll down you will find a thread that can help you!
The map pack looks great except the maps need interlocking but the placement of the scenery and how and where you put them are really nice =]...
Haha nevermind about the human sniper i jsut didnt look at the picture closely thnx btw great map ill DL
Yay it looks really fun to play is there also human snipers? cuz i dont use beam =P
the overview looks really cool i like the fence wall thing(tube? haha
COOL OBSTACLES =P Love OBSTACALES great job with crates es coolio!
Nice hall And bridge with pallet you should interlock some of your scenery also 3.8/5