Sorry tehee but then it doesnt look like an competitive map to me srry i say 3/5 for building it thouigh haha
Looks like fun i love the building and how you put put enough space for the vihichles good job i say 4/5
Looks great tehee looks like a bang i say good scenery placement 4/5 for this map
I love the pics and the very good interlocking the stairs are neet and good and where that sniper spawns gee thats sick! very fantabulous 5/5
I think the middle looks a little too empty and kinda looks like you just took MLG Onslaughts sides and deleted everything in the middle and fixed...
Way to empty needs clipping/interlocking try some building to fill up space and yea 2/5 tho EEEEKKK! haha
Good interlocking also i love those small buildings and the huge building looks interesting good job 4/5 im going to check the video out and...
Good job looks great for a staduim type i say 4/5 for staduim type map good job i think the interlocking is cool you made it look clean.
I cant see your pictures clearly they are so small what you can do is you can make an account for photobucket and save your pictures from...
Omg so secksi interlocking and scenery placement i think of making babes with it Great job 6/5 ahha nice part with the pallets looks clean im gun...
Good job i saw your pictures and the map i think that you should just embed your pictures so that other people wont complain or leave anything...
Looks very fun for FFA love the Stair sets and pictures good interlocking involved and the overshield thing is cool like the one in MLG maps also...
Wow looks great for a Rumble! Needs interlocking on those boxes i love how you used the barriers looks lots of fun but i think action pics would...
I think it woulbe be much funner if you put more than one tower and more fighting places and interlocking those bridges so that it wouldnt be so...
I think it woulb be better if you make more cover outside the bases also i think it woulb be funner that way good job i guess
I think that this would be a good FFA map you just need to interlock/clip those double boxes on the floor and youll be all good great scenery its gewd
Kina Sloppy,Lack of interlocking thats all u need to fix and i think that it would be a great map to play i also think that theres no cover and...
I love your interlocking on your boxes they are so clean i love the design of this map its Fantabulouso good job i think it would be 4/5
Nice and simples i love the interlocking on those curving boxes good job 4/5 cuz kinda wide open
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