I know what it stands for, it's just kind of weird. Lol.
Also, I'm not sure if you realized this yet, but the name TOFU kind-of throws people off a little. ;)
Sure! You're in the group now! Please post your gamertag in the gamertags thread, and check out the other ones too. Thanks for joining!
I actually won't be here most of the holliday. I'm going to Indonesia!
oh. Nvm. Lol.
that would be cool, if all of the names were in spanish, and meant something cool. Maybe I'll do that. Also, MAY 30TH!!! I go until june 14th!!!...
yeah, thanks for telling me before I sent it to any more people... It's just to inform you that there was a new round of BIOC to sign up for.
hey man, I just finished a map called Río de los muertos, which means "river of the dead" In english. I'm making a map pack with maps that are...
Hey man! Thanks a lot for joining H.I.F.!!!
hey man, could you go online now, to work on the map? We haven't been able to do much work on it lately.
actually, Bloo Jay says we can't advertise for it cuz someone complained.
sorry, I didn't know. Is their any other way to let them know that their is another lobby?
hey, could someone else send the links. I don't have enough time in the next little while. Not to be racist, but being in a school in asia is like...
Why did you give me the infraction? I didn't send it to random people, only the people who joined BIOC...
that's cool, I understand, if you ever change your mind just message me. :)
all of that work, and the link doesn't work. BLAAAAHHHH!!!!
dang, you went offline 19 minutes ago... I'll do more tomorrow, i gtg to bed now.