Hey man, do you have any idea when the file sharing system will be back up?
they're called Prometheans. The game looks great!
that's awesome!
omgjaflgjalsdkj!!!! How did you get ROOSTER TEETH to play armor walkers! Nice job man!!!
Also, you should pre-order the limited edition from mighty apes. You get tons of exclusive stuff! I already did.
I think REMkings Idea would be really cool.
What REMkings said hey man, I do you remember playing my garbage dump and infected city map a while back? Could you possibly feature one or both...
Thanks for joining man! Also I'm friends with ZZZ play on xbl (my gt's Beybok) so, if you need to talk to me, message me on xbl or vm me on forge...
do you know halo4follower? Check him out on youtube if you don't. And I hope people come back to fh as well. It's dead right now. Lol. Also, I...
hey, do you think it's possible that people in BIOC think that they can't submit maps because the file share system is down? Because hardly anyone...
hey man, it's in my fileshare. The gametype is too, and it's called somethings waiting in the garbage. Also, how do you like my new pic? It's the...
OK, I'll do it tomorrow morning, it's midnight for me now.
Also, did you work on the favella map yet? If so, could you put it in your file share?
hey man, for that interview thingy could you future my garbage dump map? I've done a bit of tweeking, and it's turning out very nice. I'll put it...
Yup add me I'm Beybok.
Welcome to forgehub!
hey man, I made a map, that has a similar layout to cross-hatch, but very different gameplay because of the spawns and weapons. Could you check it...
THIS ^ Minigames are terribly hard to make, and only if it is an original, fun idea, will it be worthwhile. That is the only reason they...
In my opinion, they go in this order: 1. Infection 2. Invasion 3. Slayer 4. Mini Games 5. Race But the main reason mini games is number...
I have one, but I would rather make a new one just for halo, and non-personal stuff. I'll call it Beybok, so It should be set up in a couple of...