also, if you do another version of this (which you should, this map is great) you might want to improve the looks of the mine carts.
The map itself looks decent but those turrets look amazing! Although some of the aesthetics indoors could use some improving.
Really? Are you sure? I thought this was the first one here! How did I miss the other one! :(
I just posted skyline terrors! Please go check it out!
Skyline Terrors Hello everybody, today I'm going to be posting another map of mine, called Skyline Terrors. It is set in a abandoned city after a...
I loved this map from halo 3! This remake looks very good! I definantly will dl it. I don't think I've seen any other recreation of this either,...
Thanks for the feedback In all seriousness, yes, it is very hard to incorporate the garbage into gameplay, as in, using it as los blockers and...
Garbage Dump Hello everybody! After the fileshares came back I decided to finish editing my map and get it up onto forgehub. So after tons of...
Ok, from what I can see this map looks very nice and all and looks like it would play well too, but the only concern for me is the 12th picture....
hey man, not sure if you noticed but on the second page of the new sign up thread someones map needs testing, but it uses the team slayer gt...
wait, so you get points for holding the weapons? and are all of the weapons hills? I'm still a little confused, I'll check it out when I get back...
I have to agree with the weapon placement, take a bit of the weapons away. I really like the Bravo sign on the building but why are the sandbags...
yup, I saw that one, nice job! You deserved that feature!
Yes! We need to get the channel started, but we need to do some planning first, maybe we should make a thread with some plans on the staff group?
I feel bad that you had to finish up the map by yourself, the second map should be better because we can both work on it more, also, BIOC should...
wow! Youve improved it a lot! Looks a lot better now! But where is my ladder? ;(
hey man, I really want see it! could you pu it in ur fs so i can get it when I get back? And a second one would be great! I'm getting home in 8...
yah, In on summer vacation still, Ill do something when i get back.
yeah, I'll try to get it up on fh, and work on some other maps as well, because when I get back, I'll still have 3 weeks before school starts, and...
What the heck has Zigywig done to this place? Lol, I checked again, and can't find garbage dump in the map database, am I doing something wrong?...