he is too big so i cant realy see the background i like the text and why is there that dark thing on the far right
that asshole i knew he had somthin to do with it
that's the greatest idea ever i was playing the demo yesterday and it was fun but i hate how the demo runs out of time that you can play with it
ya i hate how they do that like how in the states choclate bars are 85 cents but here there 1.25 but for a while the price increase was only for...
i like it but you might want to add colour
its less than a minute so at the end of where i am naming the file i type in .wmv9 edit: figured it out thanks
i am trying to upload a video to youtube and it says i have the wrong file type i am using sony vegas 8 and i left it as the default file type can...
go to this website Halo Screen Shots and enter your gamertag on the top right once all your pictures are ready click on the picture you want to...
you need to embed your screen shots this video should help you YouTube - Bl00D F1R3's New Forge Hub Meber Guide! and i think you posted your...
sign me up as long as they add other mini games GT:alienman911
none of these really have names [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG]
i think i see them now the katana takes away from the horns
they look cool but i dont see the horn for the dark spartan what maps where they taken on
when my computer got a virus i had to erase the hard drive but if you do that make shure you save all of your important stuff on to an external...
i think its $150 for prestige and $80 for hardened i heard that some where
i haven't played this yet but from the video it sounds like there are a lot of honor rules
these pictures do not work you need to fix them this video should help YouTube - Bl00D F1R3's New Forge Hub Meber Guide!
what do gaming headphones look like are they the mic that came with your xbox or are they like music headphones
i actually liked this playlist because of the custom maps most people knew that they would never vs bungie and recon isn't worth spending your...
YouTube - Damien Walters Showreel 2009 this guy is a ninja