this is amassing the allot of these make awesome backgrounds
ORLY i won everything
take some screen shots then go to Halo Screen Shots and type in your gamertag in the top right then copy the BB code and paste it here, and now...
1 or 6
not that excited about this mainly because i dont think canada gets netflix and does anyone know if the movie party will work with dvds
um there all kinda the same picture?
there is the stock [IMG] if you dont know what it is go here YouTube - parkour and sorry that i go out side
it stands for major league parkour stock is here
i saw someones mlg one so i made my one V1 [IMG] V2 plz cnc
i think there idiots Halo Legends Video Game, Exclusive Debut Trailer HD | Game Trailers & Videos | we dont need amine halo
team tempest made an assassins creed 2 promo YouTube - Assassin's Creed 2 Promo if you have never heard of them i suggest checking out the channel
i play on 3 now when i am being serious but 10 just for fun
looks cool but what do they mean by the truth
i find it best if you just delete the stuff you dont use anymore but i herd somewhere if you save a map to a memory card then transfer it to your...
i am confused why did you want the cars up there?
that thing [IMG]
it is from a gravity hammer
i agree with kratos the background does not match the Pokemon at all try more of a cartoony one
i like the colour(that is spelled right) one better because it catches my eye what is that from anyway
i would add some more stuff to the background and erase the stuff on the arbiter and its a good start it is way better than my first lol