thanks i kinda suck at finding good wallpapers
you dident realy do much other than scale it add text and a different effect on each one
maybe milo will be in it
its not bad but it seems too plain for my taste
lol so true this happens like every game
wow so far i am impressed
probably said that he was 18 when he made his account
which one of these were you using MAXON - The makers of CINEMA 4D and BodyPaint 3D
EB games its gamestop except colder
i played the demo but not the full game (i don't have money) but here funny pic [IMG]
you have way to much time on your hands that is amassing
awesome thanks for the share
does anyone know how to get them?
whats with all the halo 1 and 2 stuff lately? not complaining just asking
hello and welcome to forge hub first off you need to embed some pictures to do this go to Halo Screen Shots and type your gamertag in the top...
what odst theme are you taking about?
hi welcome to forge hub why don't you say some stuff about your self like favorite games or food. :)
big team or skirmish because its fun to underdog
first go to Halo Screen Shots then type in your gamertag in the top right find the picture you want then copy the BB code and finally paste it in...
your pictures don't work please fix them