my friend took that they wouldn't let him cook because he failed the safety test lol
i just got team fortress if anyone has TF or steam feel free to add me my name is alienman911
you put in the wrong code
ok thank you edit: wow they didn't change anything
hi i currently have gimp2.6.3 and i wanted to upgrade to gimp2.6.7 should i uninstall my current gimp then download the latest version? and will...
hello and welcome to forge hub you need to get some pictures of you map to do this go to Halo Screen Shots and type in your gamer tag in the top...
lol red vs blue is hillarious
your good that guy was trying to make it so you wouldn't get the exterm
go to control panel then fonts then delete the one you don't want EDIT: close PS then reopen it
why would some one check that?
i think you have to much time on your hands
are you going to get more and more advanced with each tutorial
the quality for this is terrable
what? how did you figure that out
oh i see now what you where trying to do, thats kinda cool
whats with the giant white lines on the top and bottom
the quality wasn't terrible it just seemed blurry to me did you use a capture card or download the videos from the web site? and the into style...
that was good except for the quality and IMO the into was bad
try asking a mod
nice splatter on the invisible guy in the first vid i dont think that they are embeddable