ahh that reminds me half of my sunday school class goes to pco! xDDDDD but it's cool i already hung out with them at the game and poked fun at...
yeah pwnege 34 7 baby (kinda late to post this hah)
yeah that would be cool. too bad at our public schools u cant wear hats unless u pay and its hat day. maybe if you were bald you could, but i...
wow that's deep and awesome man. who can complain about having bad hair when u could think atleast i have no hair! some people may need to think...
it looks really great from the screen shots and the weapon set up seems to have a pretty good balance to it. i'm not sure about how the no...
hey what's up, u going to pcn game?
lol that's funny, at school i'm michael but at church some people call me mike. XD
one word baby! lol (ok 3)
thx for the rep :)
nice job with the map! really creative with the gate and grav lift stuff, people usually just use power ups/dumpsters/man cannons for that stuff....
and me and my bro got the same b-day xD
lol same here sean, well except i got on when i got home checked msgs, but coool nice job sean! apparently u got on forgehub around 10 tho lol....
alrighty good night
man after being on ur website reminds me of mine i need to keep up with it, hah God had it happen eh, well amen guys really nice meeting u and i...
oh by the way how you like the colors? xD
yeah alrighty i got on it ok lol imma head to bed soon, imma make a shortcut on my desktop :) cya guys around!
yeah, it's an awesome map :)
thank you too mike, well i think im gonna get off now and head for bed. "early to bed, early to rise makes am an healthy wealthy and wise" just a...
thx, u too i guess lol
thx man, but through Christ u can do anything! don't worry man!