wow this make have taken you forever with all these designs. I downloaded just in case, but my current emblem is already, i think it is safe to...
wow this is a really good guide for this. i need have a group that i think ill be able to do it with but once i get it ill see if i can try to...
yeah you can see me get assassinated at 2:25! good recap overall
this looks just like me [IMG] the avatar creator is soo limited i was hoping to make some sort of little goblin guy but nooo i cant have green...
firefox is the best browser ever made. It is just pure win sir.
lol that was awesome. I like how he dosen't even move his mouth or legs. That game does own too. I hate people that say it is stupid when they've...
i just liked the way this looked when it was posted on bungie [IMG]
wow i really like these the bright colors really make them stand out.
i like the way death from the grave and laser kill look
i totally agree with you. I hate how when you get shot in the back there is no way to turn around and win. What i really hate is when there is...
i got a capture card at Ocean State Job Lot lol. The quality is super HD or anything but its still pretty decent.