What text do you want on your sig and what sort of picture do you want. Also what colour scheme? e.g.Blue: [IMG] Just let me know and then ill...
Ive only just got GIMP and just worked how to use some of the features and this is what i made: [IMG] Any tips or help? Thanks!
no, these were made before i got GIMP, i made these using photobuckets stuff, by the way thanks for helping me with GIMP!
Thank you for the advice but im affraid that the budget has all gone and so have most of the items, and so i cant really change the bases without...
I do have MSN but my router is dodgy and it wont let me talk on it, ill be in a conversation and then all of a sudden i dont recieve the other...
OLN = The total amount of items you can put on a map. The default items (items already on the map when it is released) count towards the OLN limit...
Just put the screenshot you want me to use in your sig on your fileshare, once youve done that i can start making it, by the whats you GT? im a...
looks good, i like the look of those side structure things, icant tell if you used interlocking, id be surprised if you didnt because this map...
this map looks great! The first picture shows that it has many paths, jumps and routes to get you to your destination, i also see interlocking...
I sent you a FR, doesnt matter if you dont accept it Thanks for making me happy around two weeks ago, when you sent me a PM on Bungie.net, i was...
On GIMP, how do you like cut out an image and put it on another image and then make them look likt they fit, GIMP sure is confusing 0.o
okay thanks everyone, i now have GIMP......BUT i dont know how to use it, its really confusing me 0.o, i dont even know how to put two images...
sorry about this really late reply, i dont go on MLG maps very much and i thought this map died long ago, but guess not. Thanks everyone for the...
ok, i changed the text colour, i dont see why people dont like white text, i personally like it, but maybe thats just me, thanks anyway
well i see that all the best sigs are made using photoshop and im wondering how you get it, do you download it? Do you buy it? please somebody...
T4K Shadows Signatures First things first, i dont have photoshop. All my signatures are made using Halo 3 screenshots that i take myself, so...
wow, this looks good, like what someone else said you should build a map around this, but for now i wont be downloading,. GReat forging and great idea
This post is not upto Forgehub standards, you need atleast one picture in you thread
sorry about that, for some reason my computer wasnt loading the pictures so i just submitted the thread and now i have edited it and added the...
Okay, here are a few screenshots i took on the mythic map pack the other day, please feel free to give feedback, thanks [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG]...