This map looks really well made, it reminds me of a cops&robbers map GOod interlocking, and it looks fun to, overall 4.9/5
wow, this is awesomy It reminds me of the thing of the original banjo-Kazooie, i would download but i lost them because my xbox broke and now i...
One question, how do you capture the middle territory, do you have to jump or something Good use of interlocking and i like the look of the bases,...
The map looks good, but please dont post your pics side by side, it makes us have to scroll across everytime we want to read somebodys comment I...
wow, it actually kinds looks like it, i like that spiral staircase in the centre, good use of the default layer. 5/5
I feel that the map doesnt really flow to well, the bases look great but there not really connected to the sides, please correct me if im wrong,...
id say the second one is best, then the last one, i dont like how the first one is from the side, good job though
Shadow warrior looks really cool, but i dont really like the rest, 5/5 for shadow warrior and 3/5 for the rest, good job though
i like the last one best, it actually looks like it could be a new helmet, but the others dont look right
Congrats on the feature, i really am glad this got featured, it looks excellent, probably my favourite Avalance map of all time, great job!
This map looks okay but it doesnt seem to flow, and some areas are way to open. And like what RaBBiiTTT said, there are to many snipers on one...[/URL][URL=""]
GReat geo-merging, makes it look alot better and gives it a neat finish. The one part i dont like is the defenders base, it doesnt look as good as...
This looks amazing, it looks so well forged and clean, its good that you colour coded the boxes, this map is awesomey!
I like it how its an enclosed space, it makes it feel like its not even on the skybubble, good job on this, looks great
wow, that centre piece is beautiful, it looks really well made. But i dont really like the loook of the bases, you should add more asthetics to...
it is actually what i set out to do, because i enjoy making sigs using halo 3 screenshots that i have taken my self, and this image is a good...
Thsi si a screenshot of the sun on sandbox, i took it with the juicy effect on and i just think it looks nice, i think it would be good as a...
Okay, i have finished the sig you requested, please tell me what you think of it, if there is anything that you dont like then just tell me and...
This is defianetly the best race map i have ever seen, that spiral turn looks awesomey! The only thing i dont like os the start, maybe make it a...