Off-topic: i loved that Game, played it soooo much On-topic: thanks, glad that most people like this, i think the decking does make it...
I used my OLN canvas, but becuase most parts of the map are interlocked, then i couldnt really use the default items because of that problem where...
I like how long it is, most racetracks have complex structure but are way to short. To the people who are saying make it double width, im guessing...
thanks, i originally was going to not have the wooden planks, just the stone from below, but then i thought ewwwwww, and so i added the decking, i...
cool, ok, ill download it then, okay, now you can have your 5/5 :p
Wow, that is actually pretty cool ,i like how you can enter inside it, maybe you should build a map around this, dont know how it would work but...
UPDATE: I have added 2 new pictures to the OP, they are overview shots without the effects on, so you can see clear deatils of the map.
actually, i might make a different version for infection, thanks for the greatness :p
Its not, its just because galleons were big, and so the deck will be higher than the pier, thanks anyway
[/COLOR] isnt that abit mean? I mean whats the point in putting his spirits down, was you awesome at forging when you first got halo, i bet not....
Okay, ill try and find a solution, thanks everyone for the possitive feedback
Yes, at the end of the pier there is a "bunker, and in there is a hornet, but dont worry, theres a laser on the boat. UPDATE: Here is a video i...
I dont think Galleons had lifeboat things, please remember that this is supposed to be a replica, maybe if it was a modern ship then i would add...
It is playable, but i made it mainly for asthetics, but feel free to play a game on it.
That was my original idea, but when i started building it i realised that i wouldnt have enough objects, it makes me sad :'(
<><>Galleon Ship<><> Halo 3 File Details Author: T4K Shadow (Destroyer7793) Gametypes: Team slayer Map: Sandbox This is a replica of a cLassic...
Yay, an actual foundry map, im kinda getting bored of all those sandboc maps that look the same The map: it looks alright i suppose but i...
Wow, this awesome, i really like that triangle tunnel thing, it looks so well made to, i just got a new xbxo so i have tons of map space, but this...
Thanks for helping me get my maps back, i thought i would have to buy Halo Wars for a second, but ive downloaded them again now, thanks for all...
First you have to download GIMP, just type it in on Google, or you can but Paintshop but it costs alot so i wouldnt. Then it will take a little...