Thank you, but if the guards have a sniper if they accidentally move their crosshair acroos a player out in the dunes their name will show in big...
Yes there is a hornet in the bunker at the end of the pier, if you actually play a game on this then there is a laser at the very front of the...
i know, those cells are really cool, but that wouldnt be possible on my map because there is no where you could merge to make the bar effect,...
Sorry if you already know this but you can assasinate them, i find the best way to do this is to: a) Get them to walk behind you then suddenly...
Thanks everyone I feel that would ruin the main objective in the game, i havent ever seen a custom powerup in a cops and robbers map. It would be...
Thank you, the only plain part is the upper floor, because i ran out of budget, dang budget!
Thanks everyone, glad to see alot of people like this, thanks you all!
Helps people make cool maps out in the dunes, i have just released a map where i have used a canvas like this one. This canvas looks like the...
The Gametype I have created is Cops&Robbers just it has been edited to make the map as fun as possible, for example: The prisoners colour has been...
<><>Deserted<><> Map: Halo 3 File Details Gametype: Halo 3 File Details Author: T4K Shadow (Destroyer7793) Map built on: Sandbox Gametype:...
Please stop double posting, and stop bumping your thread, the last post on this thread was by you on the 24-4-08, basically a year ago, and now...
I have Mario Kart DS and Rainbow Road is skinny, and i feel it is the hardest track out of them all, very challenging, which is fun, becuase i...
I havent got Halo Wars, i didnt really want it, but luckily i won my mythic maps in the ODST contest, i didnt feel like buying a game i didnt...
It can be used for slayer and team slayer, it is actually pretty fun with FFA, but it was built mainly for asthetics, thanks for the feedback...
Thanks, i did look at a picture of a real galleon at one point, but most was from memory of Pirates of the Carribean :p
What gametype, do you mean the Battletracks gametype? Yes, it feels completely different going the other way P.S. - I made a mistake when i was...
Thanks for the possitive feedback everyone, its greatly appreciated, helps me alot.
Thats a good idea, ill do it, thanks Ace
I know but a feature i like about this map is the ability to drive both ways, therefore giving two different driving experiences, ah well, ill do...
Clinger Author: T4K Shadow (Destroyer7793) Map: Sandbox...