Really awesome, came together quite well, but is its "2009", why are there older games on there?
Yeah because for the most part, at least when it comes to me, i just ask to see a stock so i can see what the creator did to the original image.
That game looks amazing. I love the idea. Lets pray for an iphone port.
If someone wants to see a stock just so they know how much you did to it just simply imprint your name across the image, and make it transparent,...
i'll just bring my ipod and watch the office or movies
too bad man, i dont now anyone going so i'm screwed for lunch
what up yooooooo
[IMG] No surprise...
just need to view the convo to find a link to something...
Looks about as boring as the game. Try to add something, and mess with the lighting/colors.
Bioshock and Lost Planet are on PS3.
The white box kills it for me, as well as the text. Take out the 2 and you have yourself a pretty good sig.
RFG's destruction is far from being a gimmick. It plays a major role in a lot of the MP, almost the whole sp, and they even having a mode based...
1. Its based in an southern area, maybe New Orleans. Watch the trailer... 2. Wasn't talking about the skin color, just the color of the game,...
Well, it uses the same engine, so wouldn't be same ****, different color? o.O
GAY I have to go to school for 7 hours. CANT WAIT!
Well, i don't know all of the specifics, but that is in fact real game-play, and the company that was making [not sure about the name] had to cut...
wow, just wow. Thats amazing, i would use that right now if i could. So far, you have the best.