no wait..aim
get on skype babe
Yeah, i know, he shouldn't have fur, but i'm to DGAF to give a ****. [IMG]
Sorry, but thats pretty bad. Really bad proportions, and it just looks sloppy. Keep working on it and you will get better.
Good colors, and shadows, but i think the light is a little harsh, and the sides designs aren't very smooth. Try to fix that.
Oh well thats cool, reminds me of those asian wave paintings. I really like it.
REALLY blurry. Sharpen it up.
"As for the sig, it seems a lost child wandering between Complicated Str. and Simple Rd. attempting to find home. Suffice it to say, the art style...
Which one should i use for SOTW? [IMG] [IMG] [IMG]
All made from scratch?
lol i wish. Sigs don't make money haha
No, i just don't want to take computers, and since it is only 11 days, why not, Its a requirement at my school. God damn excel.
No, now i can take Digital Art, so it helped, thats why i do summer school. To free up spaces for fun classes.
I took an 11 day class, for 6 hours a day, instead of taking a class that would take 2 semesters normally. PWNED
haha thats too bad
Yeah summer school just got out for me, thank god
Haha that was the best! Too bad we never got like 1,000,000 guys on it. So what you up to?
long time no... talk Nothin much, just gimpin it up and gamin it up.
You guys are crazy! I like the first one WAY more. I love the vector style. Looks really clean. Second one is way too blurry in some parts, and...