hey man, just made this, but its pretty late right now. If you don't like it, i'll make a new one tomorrow. [IMG]
sure what do you want
Thanks, and good choice for sotw.
[IMG] yup... And why is everyone complaining about the SOTW stock! I'm glad Linu chose a difficult stock, makes for more of a challenge, and...
I think it looks great. WAY better than the current.
Yeah, but the theme for SOTW was "Transformers" as in the robots, and he meant its not an actual "transformer" as in the robot. Either you knew...
It's Modern Warfare n008. lol, ACOG on pistols is a "must have".
I dont like the text, but everything else is super sexay.
Cut a quarter off the top, and some off the sides. Make it less bright, and add some more C4D's. Also ditch the one pix border, they aren't good.
Nice 8008135
You two aren't even dating?
Oh sweet another "opinion" battle in GA
Meh, i've seen the tutorial, so i'm not that impressed. Looks good, but anyone could just read a tut.
Horrible paper, great art. I love the first one. Try not to use lined paper, and PLEASE dont get grease on your papers...
OoOoO Sexy, i like the effects, color, and lighting. Sadly, i hate the text. Either ditch it or put it next to his right hand, towards the bottom...
Pretty sure it has...
Some one loves the slow family a lot...