Honestly this is rediculas, I mean why didn't you put water so its half covering you, the whole video is almost pitch black, the only thing i saw...
I like what you are thinking, and I don't know if I'll help yet, because I still need to focus on finishing my conquest map (Dont worry peeps, its...
Accually, I don't understand atlas, so if someone were to do it for me?? that would be great
I need an adult, I need an adult!
I played this last night and I must say, the bases were the best I'd seen, The middle was basically the opposite of Requiums, lol and I didn't...
Epic Win Picture [IMG] lol, because he thought he was being sneaky! Anyway this map looks like it can squeeze some fun customs in, and I'll try...
That means a lot coming from you dude, you have no idea. As for gameplay I can tell you that it was pretty good as far as I could tell. Nobody...
sorry bro, I won't.
I love this map with a passion, but it destroyed my chances of feature since itself got feaured.Darn you Urban, you amazing bastard :)
Not much you can do with double blocks, lol one side had to show, Anyway thanks you gguys I didn't expect to have 4 posts within ten minutes, lol...
Schism Of Light 2-8 Players Original Forgehub Thread [IMG]
Schism Of Light (You've never seen Chasms like this) [IMG] Schism was made for the Hub of The Dead contest, and since Hollow got featured, I...
Ace You just keep spittin out greatness, and I love it. We should forge sometime. Anyway I love the picture of the circle arch with the geo'd...
Its sad but I thought that I was the only one who would make a cave when the contest was announced. I however am the only one with a distinctive...
Accually I believe that Both Buck and Veronica survived Reach Together.
Military expirements show that grenades that stick to targets are not as hopeful as you may think. They tried doing expirements involving...
I must say that if that is about the final version, I'm greatly let down. You have so many things on the map that don't need to be there. Delete...
I see that everybody is abusing the ghost merging technique, well I guess that its ok. I think your map is pretty cool aesthetic wise, but you...
I'm glad to see that crypt maps are starting to show more and more. It used to be all mid level maps. I like the picture, this looks like it has...
Don't want to sound negative but your map looks like you started with amplified, and then changed things. Not necessarily saying you stol, I know...