I love you you ****in idiot lol! I appreciate all the hype there pub, but seriously I fell down laughing ( Thats right a true: ROFL) when you said...
lol thanks man
lol yeah man tghanks I feel like workin on kiwi soon too
Thanks guys this thing got me a lot of attention. I can't even believe how much. Thanks for the comment there Raynne, I really appreciate that....
I have an idea dude, we should forge sometime, but like the containment area of zombies should be a tube merged slightly into the tower with a...
Reminds me a lot of what I'm making: You won't be able to put that many columns my friend. Anyway this is my tunnel... [IMG] Its a part of my...
I started a map like this but never finished due to the playability complications. Should humans be on geese, and what not.
I loved the style of those towers and some people tried to make them, but they really didn't accomplish them. I really hope you can pull it off,...
Gunnergrunt you crazy person. Stop just throwin down amazing maps, it's making me jealous. Now that that's off my chest, I'd like to say this is...
Good conquest maps depend upon the players opinion, so here's a link to a page which has the communities top Conquest Maps! Show me nao! May I...
I really enjoyed a duel between you on this map. I instantly knew what you where going for theme-wise. I was basically blown away. I couldn't...
Thanks man I appreciate that you're being grown up about it. I can't stand people who say stuff like you're a noob! you know? Anyway I was just in...
Thanks man I was nervous and I'm really happy right now
I just don't know! lol so many options
I'm not sure, which title I get, but I get featured and a comm spotlight too
I'm so rediculasly happy! I haven't stopped smiling since I saw
Thanks man, when I was building I wanted to make it as big as I could, and I did exactly that. Any 1 extra wall space, and I wouldn't have been...
I remeber seeing what I believe was a preview a long time ago. It looked fine back then, but it certainly looks breath-taking now. I love the...
That looks almost exactly like guardian lol, that what you're going for? because its the same thing so far, and I'm not sure of what you'll make...
X5 said that they're hoping to get the winner announced by Hallows Eve. So that means they are trying hard to announce either on or a day before...